Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bugout Food- Mmmmm Good!

     Since this site is mostly about saving one's proverbial, yet very real, ASS, I thought I would share some of the foods that I have stored in my BugOutBag, AKA "BOB." I have shared the idea of what many "Preppers" have been storing in case there is a major catastrophe the like of Hurricane Katrina. Some people have a very limited BOB; consisting of a gun, ammo, and a bully point of view. This means they will take what they want through force. Is this wrong? Well, It depends on what side of the gun you're on. When the SHTF, of course, all bets are off and it is truly, survival of the fittest.
     I have been storing enough food and water to last a significant amount of time as I do not want to stand in any of the long lines that will accrue, nor do I like the idea of being a "victim." That's not the life for me. Though I usually get my pre-packaged food at REI, I have also been purchasing it at the local Army surplus store. Every few weeks I purchase two or three meals, and over time, they have added up. As stated in a previous blog, I rotate my cases of water.
     So, let me get on with business. The picture below is a pre-packaged meal made by Mountain House. They make a variety of meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner and the price is usually around $6-7.00. This particular meal was Teriaki Chicken and Rice. Though I have been hooked on the Spaghetti and Meat Sauce, this Teriaki Chicken, may very well replace the later. OMG! It was delicious! I will definitely be purchasing more of these so I never have to eat the same dish two nights in a row...though it's so good, I could!

     How much food do you have stored that will last until the last cockroach has grown exhausted and died? (which you can then mash him up and add to your food) lol
     In reality, that's exactly what you would and should do during a catastrophe where you have little to no food available. If they can do it on Fear Factor, you can, too.
     Anyway, I highly suggest you start storing these types of pre-packaged meals before you find yourself in a SituationsX. :)

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