Thursday, August 25, 2011

Emergency Dog Food/Water

I know, I know, it's a strange title, eh? I've been away from my blogs for a few weeks as I work on some books. But, I'm back and ready to continue my blogs here and at, Just Thinking.

So, what is my title all about? One might think that it has something to do with having food and water in stock that is specifically for your pet, just in case there is ever an emergency. Well, one would be right. If you followed the last blog about creating a Bug-Out bag, then you should also be thinking of a bag for your pet, or at the least, reserves of canned or dried food/water that is stored for the sole purpose of your pet during an emergency.

When we stock food or water for an emergency, the one thing we should not do is expect it to sit there for 20 years. Just like in any grocery store, the stock needs to be rotated back to front or bottom to top. Though I usually re-fill my gallon jugs with water from a purifying machine at the store, I do buy cases of bottled water, too. I take these cases of water and stack them in two different places. The first place is downstairs in a storage unit in my building (We live in a condo). The second place is inside of the condo.

So why store emergency gear or food in two different places? Because it's not likely that both places will be so damaged that you can't get to your supplies. Of course, this may not hold true if you live in tornado alley. I live in Southern California and we are notorious for experiencing earthquakes. If our condo should pancake on top of the storage units below, well, at least I have a good supply of food and water that is somewhat easily attainable. Luckily I live on the top floor, so if we do pancakes, then my water is still good. (Don't mean to be callous about the people below but shituations happens....prepare for it)

It's amazing to me that as we watch the economic collapse of our country, that a lot of people are frantically buying up gold and they won't spend five minutes to think about the "superficial" need of personal human consumption. lol  Really, do these people ever stop to think that water is worth much more than gold in the long run? I can live without gold for a lifetime, but I can't live without water for more than a few days. I don't know, maybe I have my priorities mixed up. Again -- lol. (yes, I know that buying gold is about making money in the moment)

I'm going to say something in this next paragraph that some may not want to hear, so beware. If or when there is a catastrophe, and if you have a pet, then they should be put on the same routine and rations as you; food and water sparingly. If you are considered obese or you know you are carrying more weight than you should, I'm going to bet, though I could be wrong, but I'm going to bet that you have attached eating to your emotions/issues. Obesity is not just a lack of exercise. If you know that you have an appetite and become emotional in tough times, well, store up for it, but also learn about your position and begin to do something about it. Like this blog is asking of you; it's all about being prepared in life, think things through to a worse case scenario so if it comes along, it won't seem that bad.

If this blog has spoken to you and made you think about your future in a world that is rapidly falling apart, then feel free to comment. If your comment is anything about me being a naysayer or chicken little, perhaps suggesting that I look at the sunny side of life, well, then I would suggest that you pull your head out of the clouds, learn to prepare for the worst and then love the fact that you're ready if and when you find yourself outside of the proverbial rose garden and facing a Shituation X. 

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