Thursday, June 23, 2011

489 Emails

My God! I got 489 emails in one month. Now I'm sure for some people that's minuscule compared to their daily intake of the inbox, but actually every single one of the aforementioned, was junk. I have a couple of different emails addresses; one is for real business and the other is a yahoo account that I give out when I am forced to subscribe to something I have a small interest in reading about. I find it interesting that many of these companies say they don't give out or sell your email address, but I have to wonder if that's true.

Protect yourself from the world of spam and create an email for the things you're just not sure you want. I belong to a few groups on Linkedin and I need to go back into my settings because every time someone posts in one of the groups, I am instantly informed. I should keep track of how much time I spend deleting these notifications (Though it is my fault).

Because I have a couple of websites, a few different interests, and because when I ghostwrite I must research, I am often times a marked man. Google and FB have it down when it comes to direct market advertising. If I go to a website about rock climbing, within a day or so, I'll begin seeing advertising alongside of my inbox regarding rock climbing. If I mention ghostwriting in one of my out emails, I also get advertising about ghostwriting. Hmmm!

I am inundated with offers to be a better marketer, to have whiter teeth, lose 25 lbs (do they know something), to make my schlong long enough to trip over, and to avail myself of younger women with no integrity and just want to meet me, an older man (because the younger one's just aren't sexy enough?)

Then there are the offers to teach me how to be a consultant (have they not read my works?). There have been many consultants that want me to follow their free newsletter so they can offer me a package deal later. I can even sign up and pay for their courses on how to be a consultant (groups I've never even heard of).  Hmm! If you can't do, then teach.

As I often do here in SituationsX, and occasionally at my other blog,  I offer information for free that will help people in some positive way. I am about to listen to a webinar on how to expand my business of selling my books and the books of the people for whom I ghostwrite. After the seminar/webinar I will be hit up to join a class for a mere $5000. They have some good information I'm sure, and yes, some of the classes will pay off for those that really accurately utilize the information, but the numbers will be small. Instead, I listen to the free information; taping it on my recorder and then do a reverse analysis. I can usually figure out everything they're going to sell in their program. Is it fair that I do this?...take info and not pay them for figuring out their program? 

I say give it away. Give give give until you can't give anymore. I've donated books to youth groups. I've donated my time. I'm about to donate my newly acquired speaking abilities to a few junior colleges. I give of myself and if it comes back to me, then that's great. I make a good living through my ghostwriting and my books (because one does need to make a living). Give of yourself and the universe will find a way to match your vibration.

I'm about to rearrange my website and offer an affiliate program. I'm not offering a class so I can make money, and then if you do what I say, perhaps you'll make some money also. I'm making an offer that if you have a website and want to be an affiliate, we both make some dollars. I also have a download for those that are Networkers (know how to use small talk for sales) and want to add to their income. Is this your type of gig?

It's a tough economy and you never know what life will present to you (unless Google catches wind of your searches). Learn how to expand with a side income before you're even close to being stuck in a SituationsX.  

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